“Storytelling” en Boston College
El 13 de junio los alumnos disfrutaron de una sesión a cargo de la narradora estadounidense Julie Pasqual de la compañía teatral Dream On Productions.
Los alumnos votaron en la plataforma digital Edmodo que les gustó mucho!
Comentarios de los alumnos:
"Julie was a good story-teller. The way she told the stories was really funny! We laughed a lot!"
"I enjoyed the third story in particular. Her body language and the different voices were really funny!"
"Julie is very funny and she makes her stories even funnier!"
"I think the storytelling session was very funny and entertaining. It was an excellent experience! Hope to see you again, Julie!"
"It was great, I loved it! Thanks for coming!"
"I think Julie is a great storyteller; I really liked the story about the king and his sick daughter. I loved it."
"I think the storytelling session was very funny; Julie put all her heart into it so that we would enjoy it! Thanks!"